So I have been speaking to a few agents and even some in my mentor program that have asked for tips on what systems we use and what we plan for lead generations for the year.
I say this is an exciting time, where you can plan the dream, plan how successful you want to be, how much you want to grow. This is an exciting time for both the business and for me because there are no boundaries. All I have to do is set the targets and implement and work towards those goals like my life depended on it.
As you read this I urge you to stop for a minute, take a sip from the drink you may have next to you and think where you are now compared to where you were at in December 2012?
Are you in a better position, whether it be financially, personally or even health wise? Lets face it, you are either moving forward or going backwards, there is no standing still in life, it goes on around us regardless.
If you’re one of those that planned some targets and got most of them or all of them, then I stand to applaud your efforts as I can personally tell you that only 1 in 10 of us followed through.
However I know from speaking at many events and my daily interaction with the public that you are probably living day by day, week by week. Surviving.
Why? Because you probably started 2013 thinking, or saying this is what I would like. It wasn’t really in you. You have a goal. However a goal without a plan is just a daydream.
Well after you read this that is not an option, not any more. You are not going to just survive 2014 in real estate. You are going to excel. You are going to plan a better you. You are going to get the great things that you deserve, that should be yours. 2014 is your year!
So this is what your going to do. We are going to start simple, written on a few A4 pages which you will have up somewhere you can see them, EVERYDAY. For me that’s in front of me on my desk. You can have yours on your fridge, laminated at stuck to the shower. It needs to be vivid, somewhere you see every day but not expect it to be there. Then the part of your brain will associate “shower” with your goals. Can you see what I mean?
So lets start.
First, lets focus on balance. Real Estate is not your life; it simply supports your lifestyle. So what is it? What makes you happy?
For some, its holidays with the family, others a cruise, riding horses, having a great car, living in a nice home or eating out most of the time. For me it’s having no debt which means financial freedom and no stress, then I love animals, want to travel, I love cars, going to movies, eating out, playing sport and watching them… live. What makes you happy? What puts a smile on your face? Write these down on an A4 sheet. These become your “whys”. Your balance, what you live for.
Next, write down a figure that will cover your expenses for the year plus pay for your “whys”. Remember 2014 is not about working to survive, not it’s not. Next year is the year that you work to LIVE. You work to experience what LIFE has on offer. To be ALIVE.
SO what, next? You see that number you wrote. Well double it. That is your target, abundance. So double it.
Next comes the plan. We all know leads provide listings and listings provide leverage. The more you have of each, the business just naturally grows, it just has to, you don’t have a say in it. So what do we focus on?
Under you number, write down how many sales you need to achieve it. So if you write down $100,000 and you get paid 50% commission on every sale. Then you need $200,000 gross for the year. Simple equation. Now figure out your average sale commission, don’t fool yourself, be truthful as this is a year of your life you’re talking about. SO lets say it’s $10,000. That means $200,000 divided by $10,000 = 20. So that’s 20 sales needed, write that down.
Next is how many do you need to list. So if you are like most, for every 2 listings 1 should be “sellable”. So it means half of what you carry in listings will be sold eventually. So for 20 sales we would need to carry 40 listings. Now write that figure down. That about a listing every week and a bit. Totally do-able.
So now everything comes down to prospecting. It’ all comes down to “leads”. This topic alone can go on for many issues. But for the purposes of this “plan” lets keep it simple. What do we need to do to get the leads, every day or every week? A simple list of daily “to do’s” that we like to track with what we call K.P.I’s.
Find out what has worked for you. Where have 80% of your listings come from? A prospecting plan can be simple. Just a series of contact points for people in your area. There should be a mix of letters, leaflets, phone call and SMS. If this is systemised then your goals are easily reachable.
For me daily is sending prospecting letters, posting settlement anniversary cards, 20 prospecting calls, 5 buyers calls, and 2 past appraisal calls. Weekly we have letters to farm areas, just listed & just sold flyers, market place reports and then yearly holiday promotions like Easter, mothers day, Christmas. After many years this is systemised, templated and on autopilot. Ask me for more info you need to.
But write down what your daily to do’s are. Track them daily with yourself and even better, with someone who can hold you accountable. Your wife, husband, sister, brother, best friend. Someone who know your goals, your “why’s” and can tell you to buckle up if needed.
I think a simple A4 sheet will give you direction, balance, purpose & focus. I remember Oprah Winfrey once said, “What you focus on, expands”.
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