[audio:https://edgarnatolo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/REUNCUT_Hire-a-P.A.mp3|titles=Radio Interview]

Our final segments today from Robert Matheson and Edgar Natolo. Robert talks about growth and setting goals and Edgar discusses the pros and cons of having a PA. In our Friday comment Kevin canvasses the thoughts of Robert Simeon who believes that the big chains (Woolworths and Coles) are likely to enter the portal race. What does that mean to you and I.

Coach – Robert Matheson – LJHooker’s No 1 agent

  • Plans for the future
  • Set goals – have ambitions
  • Look for growth

Working Smarter – Edgar Natolo – The ‘train tracks’ to success

  • Hire a PA when you need one
  • Let go
  • Enrol your PA